
Original School Building before conversion

The Masonic Building Dymchurch

This has been our meeting place since 1967. The Centre was originally the old school house. The key of which hangs in the lodge.

There is now a museum in the lodge, which is open for inspection on any Masonic evening and contains some interesting exhibits.

Before entering the actual main building there is a plaque which states, “ This plaque commemorates the happy stay The Glittering Star Lodge No 332 I C attached to the 1st BN The Worcestershire Regiment. Had whilst stationed in the Province of Kent in 1965, and in appreciation of the helping hand extended to us by the Romney Marsh Lodge No 4743 E C “ this speaks for its self.

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Both of the plans of the original School building have been supplied by one of its former pupils W.Bro. W.G.H. Piper


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